Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow in South Carolina

First off....

Ok, now back to business.
It's snowing. And it is quite an event when it snows in South Carolina let me tell you. My grandma has been talking about the possibility of snow for three days now. So I was plenty prepared. Ya know, you can't survive snow without the typical supplies, bread and milk. Mom and I had ham, mac n' cheese, sweet potatoes, and beans for lunch. In this wintry weather. I'm not sure what meal you'd make with the bread and milk. But I think my mom has the better idea.

I'm just amazed at how Switzerland has desensitized me to the fascination that is South Carolina snow. You'd think the pope was in town by the excitement it generates. And I use to be right there with them. But after seeing people react to it as an everyday event, it is just not the same. And I can't decide if I like it or not. I've always thought the simple pleasures were the best - like having one eye on the snow falling and another on the ticker at the bottom of the tv screen watching for school closings. I feel a little jipped now. But really, what right do I have? I mean I went to freakin Switzerland for goodness sake. Who feels jipped by that!?!

Drew came by earlier while I was in the shower and wanted to know if I wanted to play in the snow or something. Or something? I wonder what that entailed. There's no telling with Drew. I'm sure it would involve an excessive amount of energy though. Which I do not have. But I hope it will stick around for him to have a snow day tomorrow. There's not much better than waking up to the reality that is school closing. I wish that for him.

Louise sent me pictures of her "winter." Her winter involves snow so thick that you have to have cross country skis to make any headway over long distances. It's beautiful to look at and I'm sure it's wonderful to spend the day in, but I think I'll take my South Carolina snow. Us southerners can't handle too much excitement over a long period of time. We like it in episodes and then things to turn back to normal. Well as normal as it gets here on Painter Road. I mean after all we do have a neighborhood prostitute with AIDs roaming the street looking for rides at 5am. But that's about it.


  1. that baby niece of yours looks a bit demonic. have you called the priest?

  2. Hey, did you have Thunder Snow? Apparently its a very rare weather phenom...check it out

  3. That girl is adorable!

    It was great to see you last weekend. There is just something about being able to see old friends and not miss a beat but pick up right where you left off!

    I hope we can all do it again soon!
    :-D F
