Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lately, there have been a lot of events I've felt the need to share with those around me.  Completely silly or ridiculous things that seem interesting enough to share.  With the deletion of my Facebook account, I find I lack an audience at times.  And then I remembered I have this blog all set up and ready to go.  So here I GO again!

I realize that I've been on several trips that were worth sharing, but it's been so long since I've returned from them.  I don't feel the details are fresh enough in my brain to do them any justice.  So right now, this particular post will have to just be random thoughts.  But isn't that what blogs are?

I feel the need to be creative a lot.  I've set up a little table upstairs with all my craft things and occasionally I'll go up and fiddle-fart around.  I've also been thinking about how much like my parents I'm becoming, and it makes me smile that they are both creative.  My mom makes small pretty things, my dad makes big practical things.  But both hoard supplies for those things they COULD make.  And sometimes, they use the supplies, and sometimes, they don't.  And the older I get, the more I collect supplies as well.  A funky jar, sure I can make something out of that.  I'll put it in this cabinet.  A piece of string...sure I can do something with that.  I'll put it in this drawer.  Some fun wrapping paper? I could do something with that.  I'll put it in this shoe box I saved because I thought I could reuse it.  And look!  I have.

My dad has over 30 acres of land.  I bet 20% is covered with supplies.  Stuff he's had left over from his work on various building projects.  My mom has a large room with wall-to-wall shelving of supplies for projects not yet completed.  Oh and the basement and the tractor trailer-trailer has stuff in it too.  My upstairs rooms is beginning to fill up with things I could reuse.  Let's hope I don't buy 30+ acres.

I like to think I'm the combination of all the great things about my mom and dad.  I think the quality I inherited the most of was good intentions.


  1. So glad you are blogging! I love to post... such a great way to share. I have never been much on the craft creating...but i love going to farmers markets and craft fairs to see what others have made. Its good to "piddle"!
